Middle Level Self-Test > pneconsulting

Middle Level Self-Test
Positive & Effective
Well-vested Executive Search since 1996.1, Seoul, Korea
Middle Level Self-Test (Example Questions)
The sentences listed below describe our actions as administrators. In response to each question, please indicate how often you do this, using the scale below. Write the numbers from 1 to 7 in the blanks to the left. (We don't support the result of the test. The best answers may be different depending on the different functions/positions.)
Almost never.
(not at all)  
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    Almost always
(very much so)
   As a manager, you (how often)
 1. Do you come up with creative ideas?
 2. Do you exert influence over your superiors within the organization?
 3. Convince the need to meet departmental goals?
 4. Do you constantly communicate the department's purpose?
 5. Do you innovate and look for improvements?
 6. Do you maintain strict direct controls?
 7. Do you keep abreast of what is going on within your department?
 8. When differences of opinion are openly expressed, do you try to find a solution through mutual agreement?
 9. Do you listen to your subordinates' personal problems?
 10. Do you keep your departments highly coordinated and organic?
 11. Do you bring conflicting opinions between groups into open discussion?
 12. Do you motivate departments to achieve their goals?
 13. Do you bring to the surface the most important disagreements among group members and actively engage in resolving them?
 14. Do you monitor compliance with the rules?
 15. Are you sensitive and interested in individuals?
 16. Do you experiment with new concepts and procedures?
 17. Do you show empathy and concern in dealing with your subordinates?
 18. Do you seek to improve the professional skills of your employees?
 19. Do you reach out to people in higher positions?
 20. Do you encourage department members to actively participate in decision-making?
 21. Do you compare records, reports, etc. to find discrepancies?
 22. Do you solve problems related to coordination of work schedules among department members?
 23. Does the department lead to meeting target expectations?
 24. Do you solve problems in creative, brilliant ways?
 25. Do you anticipate the flow of work and avoid crises in advance?
 26. Do you check for errors and mistakes?
 27. Do you present your new ideas persuasively to those in higher positions?
 28. Do you ensure departments are on track to their stated goals?
 29. Does the department clarify its priorities and direction?
 30. Do you show concern for the needs of your subordinates?
 31. Influence decisions made at higher job levels?
 32. Do you regularly clarify the department's objectives?